Now a days all the advertisements and unwanted data will be sent to our mails by the subscribed mails. if you don't want to receive mails from ad mailers . you can unsubscribe each one every time but you can unsubscribe them at one .. by selecting the mails that you don't wish to receive. yes, you can. Auto-unsubscribe We don't think you should be burdened with managing messages you don't want to receive. We do our best to put messages in Spam when we're pretty sure you won't want or need them. But everyone has different preferences about the mail they want to see. You may not want to read any messages sent by a certain company or mailing list, while another Gmail user finds these same messages to be valuable. To help solve this problem, we're providing you with an unsubscribe tool for some messages. You'll see the unsubscribe tool when you mark a message from particular types of mailing lists as spam. If the particular message is a m...
Design With Perfection